Monday, May 24, 2010

Becoming Real - Jen's Clock Video

Here's the video i've just done for the new Becoming Real 12" forthcoming on RAMP at the end of the month. I'm pretty pleased with it.
It's compiled from various bits of found footage, taken from the stranger corners of the web - slowed down, filtered and coloured. Something that's become a bit of an obsession of mine over the past few months. Exploring London's parallel soft architecture through cheap flickering home videos, with only a handful of views. I feel like this is where all of those shimmering, splintered reflections - stored up in bus and train windows - finally drift off to at night. Bodies give way and turn into specters beneath the soft glow of street lamps and dank droning bins.

Also finished another longer project on a similar tip tentatively entitled 'in space' this week. Currently in the process of sending it to a few festivals but will post up soon. The Heathrow film marches on, more news on that soon too.